Trevor Noah's Awesome Shortcuts for Learning Languages

Hi everyone,

I hope you're having a lovely summer!

I came across a couple of fun videos of Trevor Noah (comedian, Daily Show host and master of many accents) talking about his favorite accents to do, and shortcuts he recommends when learning a language (he speaks 8!).

I wanted to share them with you because I love his advice and totally agree with it.

Enjoy 🌞 

"If you want to learn languages, there are 2 things you have to understand. One, language is mostly about rhythm... and two, you have to be willing to be an idiot to learn a new language."

(from 0:43)

Funny exchange between Trevor and a French member of the audience re "work" vs. "walk" (from 10:40).

Did you work there, or did you walk there? 😜